Monday: A few moves not showcased in Brawls manual are the Quick Techniques, reflex actions and special tactics that arent for button mashers.
Tuesday: Warning! Secret Stage approaching! This time, its the classic Mario Bros. level, full of things to knock your noggin on.
Wednesday: For the stage builder types, Hidden Parts will probably get your blood pumping. Finally,Yoshis Special Moves are chronicled. Not sure how disturbed I should be by that tongue attack on Samus and Zelda.
Thursday: Another super duper top secret stage! This time its Sonics gorgeous Green Hill Zone. It even features guest appearances from some of his shitty friends! Yay!
Friday: You shouldve seen this unlockable character coming a mile away. Its Luigi!
Source- http://kotaku.com/357079/dojo-dump-the-mystery-machine
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